- Ampfibia web
- Amphib &reptile conservation
- Amphibian and Reptile groups of the UK
- Amphibian declines in Australia
- Amphibian diseases
- Amphibian research
- Amphibians as sentinels
- BBC programs
- Bullfrogcontrol
- Canadian Amphibian conservation
- Chytrid fungus in the Sierra Nevada
- Critter Crossings
- Declining Amphibian Pop Task Force
- Declining Amphibian population Task Force
- Deformed Amphibian Research
- Emerging Wildlife deseases
- Endagered Species international
- Endangered Species Act
- Fishnphoto
- Frog Decline Reversal Project
- Froglife
- Froglog
- Frogmatters
- Froguts
- Frogwab Declines and Malformations
- Frogwatch Ontario
- Frogwatch USA
- Global Amphibian Diversation
- Global Biodiversity info
- Hepconstrust uk
- Herpnet
- Jumping Frog
- Le monde des reptiles
- Linknet.be
- National Amphib and Reptile Scheme
- Nature serve
- Nature's calender
- New Zealand Frogs
- North American Amphibian Monitoring
- North American report
- Partnership for Amph. and Reptile conserv.
- Rept.and amphib.of the UK
- The BioDiversity Group Webite
- TropenWelt
- Under The Skin
- Wildlife frogs Australia
- World association of zoos and aqua.
- WWF frogs program